Suppliers can update the profile physical, mailing and/or remittance address.
To update the physical address, go to Profile on the left side panel > select Addresses tab > click Edit.
1. Insert applicable information in the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk > if you mailing address is the same as your physical address, check Same as Physical Address box > click Save.
2. To update your mailing address, go to Profile on the left side panel > select Addresses tab >select Edit. Your physical address will appear on POs.
3. Uncheck the "Same as Physical Address" box > Insert applicable information in the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk > click Save.
4. To update your remittance address, go to Profile on the left side panel > select Addresses tab > select Actions > click Edit > Insert applicable information in the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk > click Save.
5. To add a new remittance address go to Profile on the left side panel > select Addresses tab > select Add Address > Insert applicable information in the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk > click Save. If you would like to additional remittance addresses, select Add More.