Supplier's registered in Unimarket will be assigned a profile that functions as a "store". Your store establishes your company's presence in the Unimarket Supplier Directory that can be viewed by existing customers.
Existing customers are able to view your store's profile information, create purchase orders against your store, view your store's catalogs and receive invoices from you via your store.
There are a couple of ways the supplier registration process can be initiated:
- If you are invited to participate in a customer's bid, you may receive an email notification or the customer will post a public link/URL to the bid.
- A customer may invite you to join a their eMarketplace via an email link.
Note: If you already have a Unimarket profile, view instructions how to link a new customer to your existing profile |
Supplier Registration
Whichever way you begin the registration process, your action item will be to enter your company's preliminary information, establish a username and password.
This information is very important, so please:
- Insert information in all required fields marked with a red asterisk.
- Select desired time zone, by selecting dropdown in Time Zone field. Once supplier profile is created, the time zone cannot be updated.
- Ensure information in Your Username field is the same email address, as information in Your Email field.
- Take note of the email address and password inserted, as the information will be required to access profile in the future.
Note: When setting a password for your profile, please ensure the strength bar is at least moderate. |
Once completed, check the "I'm not a robot" box and > select Sign Up.
Company Profile Setup
Once your registration is successful, you will be taken to the Company Profile Setup page, to enter your company's most pertinent profile information.
Mandatory fields are identified with a red asterisk and must be completed before being able to proceed.
For U.S. Suppliers:
The first option will be to select your profile classification: Company/Organization or Individual.
- Company/Organization: Your entity (business, government, institution etc.) as a vendor.
- Individual: You are a person registering yourself as a vendor, not representing an entity such as a business, government or institution.
Once completed, a form will generate dependent upon the selected profile classification. If you choose Company/Organization, complete the following is fields:
- Company or Trading Name (Mandatory field)
- Legal Business Name (Mandatory field)
If you choose Individual, complete the following is fields:
- Company or Trading Name (Mandatory field)
- First Name (Mandatory field)
- Last Name (Mandatory field)
For NZ Suppliers:
The first option will be to select your profile classification: Company/Organisation or Individual.
- Company/Organisation: Your entity (business, government, institution etc.) as a vendor.
- Individual: You are a person registering yourself as a vendor, not representing an entity such as a business, government or institution.
Once completed, a form will generate dependent upon the selected profile classification. If you choose Company/Organisation, complete the following is fields:
- Legal Business Name (Mandatory field)
- Company or Trading Name (Mandatory field)
- Business Number (Mandatory field): Usually this is your New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
If you choose Individual, complete the following is fields:
- Company or Trading Name (Mandatory field)
- First Name (Mandatory field)
- Last Name (Mandatory field)
Next, you will be prompted to enter your address information in the mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk.
If your remittance address is the same as your physical address, check the "Same as Physical Address" box. Your remittance name should be the name you wish your payment to be made out to (in most cases this would be the company name).
Once completed, click 'OK'.
Tax Profile (US Suppliers only)
If the customer you are connecting with requires the Tax Profile to be completed, you will be taken directly to the Tax Profile page.
Choose appropriate tax profile form (W-9, W-8BEN or W-BEN-E) > complete mandatory fields marked with a red asterisk.
Note: If you do not have the information and need someone else in your organization to complete, you can set them up as a User under the Profile drop-down menu. |
Upload Certificates & Documents
If your customer has requested Certificates of Insurance or documents, select Profile on the left side panel > Click Certificate & Documents > select the desired tab (Business Classification [for US suppliers only], Insurance or Documents) and click to +Add Business Classification, +Add Insurance Certificate or +Add Document.